Web Sites
For additional publications which may be of interest, please visit the
Publications Section
of the Purdue Dairy Page,
or the Links Section of the
Purdue Sheep and Meat Goat Page.
Abomasal Bloat (University of Maryland)
Azalea Toxicity in Goats (Louisiana State University)
Bacterial Pneumonia in Goats (Auburn University)
- Bluetongue (University of
Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis (Iowa State University)
Caseous Lymphadenitis (Louisiana State University)
Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL) in Goats and Sheep (Auburn University)
Caseous Lymphadenitis in Small Ruminants (University of Arkansas)
CDT Vaccinations (University of Maryland)
Coccidiosis (Texas A&M University)
Coccidiosis: Deadly Scourge of Lambs and Kids (University of Maryland)
Coccidiosis in Goats and Prevention (Auburn University)
Coccidiosis, the Most Common Cause of Diarrhea in Young Goats
(North Carolina State University)
Common Diseases and Health Problems in Sheep and Goats (Purdue
Common Ticks of Oklahoma and Tick-Borne Diseases (Oklahoma State
Conflicting Information about Worm Control (University of Maryland)
Contagious Agalactia (Iowa State University)
Contagious Ecthyma (Sore Mouth) (Iowa State University)
Contagious Ecthyma (Sore Mouth) (Louisiana State University)
Contagious Ecthyma (Orf/Sore Mouth) in Sheep and Goats (Auburn University)
Contagious Keratoconjunctivitis (Pinkeye) (University of Maryland)
Dermatophilosis in Sheep and Goats (Kansas State University)
Diarrhea (Scours) in Small Ruminants (University of Maryland)
Diatomaceous Earth (DE): Is it an Effective Dewormer for Sheep and Goats? A Review
of the Scientific Literature (University of Maryland)
Enterotoxemia (Overeating Disease) in Sheep and Goats (Auburn University)
- Enterotoxemia
(Overeating Disease) of Sheep and Goats (Colorado State University)
Enterotoxemia Type D (Texas A&M University)
Euthanasia of Livestock (Auburn University)
External Parasites of Goats (Oklahoma State University)
- External Parasites of Sheep and
Goats (University of Florida)
Facts About Antibiotic Use in Food Producing Animals (Louisiana
State University)
FAMACHA Information Guide (North Carolina State University)
Famacha Score Your Meat Goat (Video) (Purdue University)
The FAMACHA System for Managing Haemonchus contortus (Barber Pole Worm)
(North Carolina State University)
Fecal Egg Counting for Sheep and Goat Producers (University of Arkansas)
Floppy Kid Syndrome (Louisiana State University)
Foot Rot (North Carolina State University)
Foot Rot and Foot Scald in Goats & Sheep (Auburn University)
Foot Scald (North Carolina State University)
Footrot in Sheep and Goats (Purdue University)
Gastrointestinal Parasites in Sheep and Goats: Frequently Asked Questions
(Colorado State University)
General Health Care of Sheep and Goats (University of Maryland)
Goat-Herd Health Calendar (Virgnia Tech)
Guide for Control of External Parasites of Sheep and Goats
(New Mexico State University)
Haemonchus contortus (Barber Pole Worm) Infestation in Goats
(Auburn University)
A Haemonchus contortus Management Plan for Sheep and Goats in Texas
(Texas A&M University)
Healthy Animals Produce Healthy Food: Antibiotic Use in the Sheep, Goat, and
Livestock Industry (University of Maryland)
Heat Stress in Sheep and Goats (University of Maryland)
Herd Health Program for Dairy Goats (University of Arkansas)
Hoof Anatomy, Care and Management in Livestock (Purdue University)
How to Conduct a Fecal Egg Count in Sheep and Goats (Video)
(Purdue University)
Infectious Reproductive Diseases of Small Ruminants (Utah State
Internal Parasites in Sheep and Goats (Oregon State University)
An Introduction to Sheep and Goat Parasite Managemet in Hawaii
(University of Hawaii)
Johne's Disease (Alberta Agriculture and Forestry)
- The Johne's Information Center
(University of Wisconsin)
Keratoconjunctivitis (Pinkeye) in Goats (Auburn University)
Laminitis or Founder (North Carolina State University)
Listeriosis (Circling Disease) (Auburn University)
Livestock Heat Stress: Recognition, Response, and Prevention
(Washington State University)
Livestock Parasitology 101 (University of Maryland)
Management Tips for Internal Parasite Control in Sheep and Goats
(Texas A&M University)
Managing Internal Parasitism in Sheep and Goats (Purdue University)
Mastitis in Ewes and Does (University of Maryland)
Mastitis in Goats (Auburn University)
Meningeal Worm - Deer Worm - Brain Worm (University of Maryland)
Monitoring Internal Parasite Infection in Small Ruminants
(Texas A&M University)
Obtaining a Blood Sample From Your Small Ruminant (Video)
(Purdue University)
Polioencephalomalacia (Goat Polio) (Auburn University)
Q Fever (Colorado State University)
Rectal Prolapses: A Complex Problem with Many Contributing Factors
(University of Maryland)
Slowing Dewormer Resistance (University of Maryland)
Soremouth (Orf) in Sheep and Goats (University of Maryland)
Strategies for Coping With Parasite Larvae on Pastures in Springtime in Ohio
(Ohio State University)
Tapeworms: Problem or Not? (University of Maryland)
Understanding Anthelmintics (University of Maryland)
An Update on Scrapie (2008) (University of Maryland)
Urinary Calculi in Sheep and Goats (University of Maryland)
Urinary Calculi in Wether Lambs/Kids (Colorado State University)
Use of a Brown Mid-Rib Sorghum x Sudangrass Hybrid in a Small Ruminant Parasite
Control Program (Ohio State University)
Use of Forage Chicory in a Small Ruminant Parasite Control Program
(Ohio State University)
Use of Pharmaceuticals in Food-Producing Animals (Louisiana State University)
Vaccinating for Overeating Disease (University of Maryland)
Vaccination Protocol for a Goat Herd (Auburn University)
Vaccinations for Sheep and Goats (University of Maryland)
What Do Fecal Worm Egg Counts Tell Us? (Ohio State University)
Which Dewormer(s) Work on Your Farm? (University of Maryland)
White Muscle Disease in Sheep and Goats (University of Maryland)
Sample Costs for a 500-Head Dairy Goat Operation: Goat Milk for Cheese
Production in California's North Coast (University of California)
Suburban Rancher: Goats for Home Milk Production (University of California)
Colostrum: "Liquid Gold" (University of Maryland)
Comparing Feed Costs (University of Maryland)
Coping with High Feed Costs (University of Maryland)
Copper Toxicity (Texas A&M University)
Creep Feeding Kid Goats (Texas A&M University)
Creep Feeding Primer (University of Maryland)
Digestive System of Goats (Auburn University)
Ensuring Nutrition for Goats (Auburn University)
Feed Ingredient Co-Products of Ethanol Fermentation from Corn
(Purdue University)
Feeding and Housing Dairy Goats (University of Missouri)
Forage Selection and Seeding Guide for Indiana (Purdue University)
General Guidelines for Feeding Sheep and Goats (University of Maryland)
Goat Nutrition - Energy (Texas A&M University)
Goat Nutrition - Protein (Texas A&M University)
Grassfed Lamb and Goat (University of Maryland)
Hydroponic Fodder: Is It a Viable Option for Feeding Sheep, Goats, and Other
Livestock? (University of Maryland)
Improving Pastures by Renovation (Purdue University)
An Introduction to Feeding Small Ruminants (University of Maryland)
Livestock-Poisoning Plants of California (University of California)
Livestock and Poultry Drinking Water Quality: Understanding Your Water Test
(Oklahoma State University)
Metabolic and Nutritional Diseases of Goats (Ontaria Ministry of
Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs)
Minerals (Texas A&M University)
Minimizing the Prussic Acid Poisoning Hazard in Forages
(Purdue University)
Mycotoxin Concerns in Sheep and Meat Goat Feeding (Purdue
Nitrate Poisoning in Ruminants (Washington State University)
Nitrate Toxicity in Livestock (Oklahoma State University)
Nutrient Requirements for Goats (Langston University)
Nutrient Requirements of Sheep and Goats (Auburn University)
Plants Poisonous to Livestock and Other Animals (Cornell University)
Poisonous Plants (Pennsylvania State University)
Producing Emergency or Supplemental Forage for Livestock (Purdue
Prussic Acid Poisoning (Oklahoma State University)
Raising Lambs and Kids Artificially (University of Maryland)
Ration Balancing Software for Sheep and Goats (University of Maryland)
Reducing the Impact of Aflatoxins in Livestock and Poultry (Purdue University)
Selecting the "Right" Legume (Purdue University)
Selenium Supplementation Strategies for Livestock in Oregon (Oregon State
Toxic Plants and the Common Caprine (Cornell University)
The Truth About Grain: Feeding Grain to Small Ruminants (University
of Maryland)
Tube Feeding Neonatal Small Ruminants (Washington State University)
Tube Feeding Young Lambs and Kids (Video) (Purdue University)
Understanding the Ruminant Animal Digestive System (Mississippi State University)
The Value of Distillers' Grains as a Livestock Feed (Purdue University)
What About Hay? (Texas A&M University)
What Range Herbivores Eat - And Why (Texas A&M University)
Zearalenone Concerns in Reproducing Livestock (Purdue University)
Production Management
Animal Exposure Awareness (Purdue University)
Body Condition Scoring in Farm Animals (Purdue University)
Crossbreeding for Profit (University of Maryland)
Dairy Goat Production (Pennsylvania State University)
Disaster Readiness for Goat and Sheep Producers (Louisiana State University)
Disbudding Kid Goats (Slide Show) (Texas A&M University)
Disposing of Dead Goats (University of Maryland)
Docking, Castrating, and Disbudding (University of Maryland)
Goat & Sheep Facilities (Auburn University)
Guide to Raising Healthy Goats (University of Wisconsin)
Housing and Working Facilities for Dairy Goats (New Mexico State University)
Housing and Working Facilities for Goats (University of Massachusetts)
Livestock Tagging (Oklahoma State University)
Living on the Land: Getting Started with Sheep and Goats (Oregon State University)
Measuring and Analyzing Farm Financial Performance (Purdue University)
Methods of Livestock Identification (Purdue University)
Mortality Management (Purdue University)
Owning a Dairy Cow or Goat (Oregon State University)
Predator Management Important in Goat, Sheep Production (Louisiana State University)
Principles for Structuring Small Businesses and Farms (Purdue University)
Raising Dairy Goat Kids (University of California)
Raising Sheep and Goats Organically (University of Maryland)
Sheep and Goats: Ecological Tools for the 21st Century (Utah State
Small Ruminant Management: Winter, Kidding, & Lambing Seasons
(Auburn University)
Tattooing of Cattle and Goats (University of Arkansas)
Biology of Reproduction of Goats (Auburn University)
Breeding Soundness Examinations of Rams and Bucks (Purdue University)
Causes of Infectious Abortions in Goats (Auburn University)
The Estrous Cycle in Does (Auburn University)
Estrus Detection in Farm Animals (Purdue University)
Farm Animal Obstetrics (University of Alaska)
Getting Ready for Lambing and Kidding (University of Maryland)
Increasing Successful Reproduction Among Goats and Sheep
(Auburn University)
Introduction to Goat Reproduction (University of Arkansas)
Managing the Kidding Season (University of Arkansas)
Managing Perinatal Mortality in Goats (University of Arkansas)
Parturition in Livestock (Purdue University)
Pregnancy Toxemia in Ewes and Does (University of Maryland)
- Pregnancy
Toxemia (Ketosis) in Ewes and Does (Colorado State University)
Pregnancy Toxemia (Ketosis) in Goats (Auburn University)
Preparation for Breeding Goats (South Dakota State University)
Pseudopregnancy in Goats (Louisiana State University)
Reproductive Management of Sheep and Goats (Auburn University)
Small Ruminant Management: Winter, Kidding, & Lambing Seasons
(Auburn University)
To Breed or Not to Breed: Breeding Ewe Lambs and Doelings (University of
Goats in Alaska (University of Alaska)
Management of Goats for Controlling Noxious Weeds: A Primer
(University of Idaho)
Sheep and Goats: Ecological Tools for the 21st Century
(Utah State University)
Using Goats for Brush Control as a Business Strategy (University of Arkansas)
Youth Livestock Exhibitors as Ambassadors for Animal Agriculture (Purdue
Purdue University Videos
Dairy Goats @ Purdue Page
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Updated 07/02/18