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Swine Day Program
Research Update: Streptococcus suis
(also in
S.F. Amass, L.K. Clark, R. Struve, P. San Miguel, C. C. Wu, K. Knox, and M.A.
Hill. Departments of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Biology, and Veterinary
Pathobiology; and Swine Practitioner, Manning, Iowa.
Biological and Behavioral Indicators of Stress in the
Boar (also in
J.D. Bishop, G.D. Weesner, P.V. Malven, and W.L. Singleton. Department of Animal
Sciences and USDA-ARS.
Influence of Weaning, Diet Particle Size, and Dietary
Zinc Concentration on Growth and Stomach Morphology of Young Pigs
(also in ).
B. V. Lawrence, D. B. Anderson, T. R. Cline, O. Adeola, and L. K. Clark.
Departments of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Clinical Sciences; and Elanco
Animal Health.
Effects of Environment, Genotype, Sex, and Antibiotic
Treatment on Pig Growth, Carcass Characteristics, and Pork Quality
(also in ).
J. W. Frank, B. T. Richert, A. P. Schinckel, B. A. Belstra, M. Ellis, and A. L.
Grant. Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University and University of
Opportunities in Coordinated Hog Production
(also in ). J. Ray,
M. Boehlje, and C. Hurt. Department of Agricultural Economics.
Protection Distances for Sufficient Dispersion and
Dilution of Odor from Swine Buildings (also in
A. Heber. Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering.
Beyond Today's Technology: Keys to Global
Competitiveness (also in
D. DiPietre. University of Missouri-Columbia.
Critical Control Points: Managing Assets, Expenses and
Leverage (also in
D. DiPietre, L. Fuchs, and R. Tubbs. University of Missouri-Columbia; Senior
Lending Officer, AgriBank, St. Paul, MN; and Green River Swine Consultation,
Bowling Green, KY.
Research Papers
The Effect of Lactation Dietary Protein on the
Reproductive Performance of Early and Conventionally Weaned Primiparous Sows
(also in ).
B.A. Belstra, B.T. Richert, M.A. Diekman, W.L. Singleton, and G.D. Weesner.
Department of Animal Sciences and USDA-ARS.
Effect of Pen Density on Nursery Pig Performance
(also in ).
A.P. Schinckel, T. Wang, W.T. Muir, and B.T. Richert. Department of Animal
Sciences, and Newsham Hybrids, Colorado Springs, CO.
Productivity and Salmonella Incidence of Swine
Reared in Differing Management Systems (also in
J.N. Nielsen, J.A. Patterson, P. Boccazzi, J. Frank, A. Sutton, A. Schinckel,
and B. Richert. Department of Animal Sciences.
Health and Lean Growth Performance of Barrows Reared
in All-In, All-Out or Continuous Flow Facilities With or Without Antibiotic
(also in ).
A. D. Ice, A. L. Grant, L. K. Clark, T. R. Cline, M. E. Einstein, and M. A.
Diekman. Departments of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Clinical Sciences.
The Effect of Genotype on Fat Deposition and Carcass
Quality (also in
J.M. Eggert, E.J. Farrand, S.E. Mills, and A.P. Schinckel. Department of Animal
The Effects of Dietary Fat and Lysine on Pig Growth,
Pork Quality and Carcass Composition (also in
J.M. Eggert, E.J. Farrand, A.P. Schinckel, and S.E. Mills. Department of Animal
Development of a Curvilinear Economic Function for
Carcass Leanness (also in
A.P. Schinckel and M.E. Einstein. Department of Animal Sciences.
Influence of Systematic Biases Associated with
Genotype and Sex on Prediction of Lean Mass and Carcass Value in U.S. Pigs
(also in ).
C. Hicks, A.P. Schinckel, J.C. Forrest, and J.T. Akridge. Departments of Animal
Sciences and Agricultural Economics.
Field Performance of a Pit Additive Tested in
Commercial Grow-Finish Houses (also in
A.J. Heber, R.K. Duggirala, J. Ni, M.L. Spence, B.L. Haymore, V.I. Adamchuk,
D.S. Bundy, A.L. Sutton, and K.M. Keener. Department of Agricultural and
Biological Engineering; Monsanto Enviro-Chem Systems, St. Louis, MO; Microbe
Inotech Laboratories, St. Louis, MO; Department of Animal Sciences; and
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University.
Changes Coming Soon to Indiana's Confined Feeding
Regulations (also in
Brian Daggy. Agricultural Liaison, Indiana Department of Environmental
Purdue Pork Page Announced (also in
(Note: In 2019, the Pork Page was retired. It was replaced by Swine @ Purdue, which is located at:
Research in Progress (also in